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Make key decisions to determine which routes and endings you’ll see. Short Title: ASG Ken Mack Pounds and Kisses Spence (aka Devin Draz) Pornstars Devin Draz. Help Alexandre dominate the freezer pops competition! Meet hunky guys and other interesting characters. Experience a narrative about entrepreneurship and gay dating! Few years ago, I’ve met one hot and famous black. Leather, sunglasses, sweatty ripped abs, buldging biceps, tattoos, rock hard pecs. , hung ebony men who love to pose and show off his muscle bodies, They ‘re athlete with a wild and kinky side. Here's a list of features from eastasiasoft: Hot black muscle men, these well hung brothas have nice sexy bodies and delicious massive. Not only that, but you'll be diving head-first into the world of freezer pops, as Alexandre discovers that selling the gourmet ice lollies down at the beach may just help him pay his rent.įrom the visuals alone, it's giving off obvious Dream Daddy vibes, although it remains to be seen if Freezer Pops can match the excellent writing of Game Grumps' dad-dating sim. Publisher eastasiasoft has showcased a new titled called Freezer Pops, a bara visual novel in which you play as ex-game developer Alexandre in a tale of love and ice lollies.ĭue for release on Switch on May 27th for US$9.99 / €9.99, Freezer Pops will boast over 100 unique CG scenes that will showcase a range of characters that you can potentially romance.

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